
Showing posts with the label copyright

Part 17 - Distribution Strategies

So you've 'finished' your song up to a standard and loudness that you're happy with, now you just lob it up on your website and let it go viral right? Depending on your definition of 'finished' then potentially, yes. If our objective is to get something written, recorded and released then our job is done and we can give ourselves a pat on the back and move on. Seriously, that's a piece of art that is out in the world that didn't exist until you turned your hand to it. You created something from nothing, and that's a kind of magic.  But if we're hoping to attract a few more listeners, and we don't have the same levels of 'brand recognition' as Taylor Swift, then we're going to need to put in a bit of work. This work is 'marketing'. It's a dirty word, and a dirtier business, but at some point you're going to have to face into it.  Well, it's not really. Basically marketing is just letting potential customers (you...