Intermission - tackling writer's block
The day job has intruded a bit this week (to the extent that it's been a bit of a night job too) so to keep you all sweet without having to think too hard myself I have an out-of-sequence piece for exactly this occasion. So next week we'll return to story arcs and tension and release but in the meantime here are my dozen tips to tackle writer's block: 1) Take yourself somewhere different. Go for a walk, find a different cafe, jump on a tourist bus tour... Anything to mix up your environment. Make notes about who you see and how people behave. 2) Grab a copy of a good newspaper, something that does proper reporting not just celebrity gossip, and read through the stories. Look for themes or jarring inconsistencies. Who's writing the stories? Who's reading them? What are the personal stories behind the writers and readers? 3) Find a nice quiet room you know well, and really study it. The floorboards, the ceiling rose, the decoration. Who might have lived here before? W...